Monday 18 January 2010

I hate jetskis I really do, but sometimes, just occasionally, they make a good photo!

Sometimes its worth following the seagulls to find out what the fuss is all about, this shot was taken on its on, no rapid fire, a single snap at the right moment! I have no idea what was in the sandwich but the gull seemed happy!

Sunday 10 January 2010

Feather frost, my little winter collection of photos would never be complete without a photo of the car roof with the wonderful patterns.

Icicles, never had them like this before, loved trying to time the shot to get the droplet in focus.

I could fill an entire server with photos I have taken in the snow, thankfully only one gets put up on here, April Cottage, how very English! This is also the only photo I have ever doctored from the original, I have to admit to having removed the unsightly TV aerial from the roof.

First trip out with the new lens filters, can only help my usually mediocre landscapes!